I am an Italian particle physicist, specialized in data analysis, computational physics, and in the development of large scale scientific software.
Since 2008 I am based full-time at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland, where I work in the ATLAS Experiment running on the LHC, the “Large Hadron Collider” particle accelerator.
I obtained a PhD from “Albert-Lüdwig Universität” in Freiburg, Germany, with a Thesis about “A model-independent “General Search” for new physics with the ATLAS detector at LHC” (link). Before that, I studied at the “Roma Tre” University in Rome, Italy, where I obtained a Master degree (“Laurea Magistrale”) in Particle Physics with a Master Thesis on “Study of the ATLAS MDT Muon Chambers calibration constants with data from a testbeam” (link) and a Bachelor degree (“Laurea”) in Physics with a Bachelor Thesis on “Multi-threading for the ATLAS Data Acquisition System Data Flow” (link).
During my career I worked in many different sub-fields of Particle Physics. I started as a summer student at CERN, working on multi-threading techniques for the data acquisition system (DAQ) of the ATLAS Experiment. Then, I worked on the calibration of the “Monitored Drift Tubes” (MDT) muon chambers. After that I worked on data analysis, more specifically on searches for Supersymmetric (SUSY) particles in channels with one lepton and two jets and on model-independent searches, aiming at discover new physics in physics channels which are not usually explored. Then, I moved to the development of the ATLAS core software, specializing myself in interactive data visualization, 3D graphics, geometry and detector description.
I am the convener of the “Visualization Working Group” of the HEP Software Foundation (HSF).